Книга Visualization for Information Retrieval


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Visualization for Information Retrieval Литература по Компьютеры и сети
Visualization for Information Retrieval Название: Visualization for Information Retrieval
Автор: Jin Zhang
Издательство: Springer
ISBN: 3540751475
Год издания: 2007
Страниц: 294
Язык: Английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,4 Мб
The amount of digitized information available on the Internet, in digital libraries, and other forms of information systems grows at an exponential rate, while becoming more complex and more dynamic. As a consequence, information organization, information retrieval and the presentation of retrieval results have become more and more difficult. Information visualization offers a unique method to reveal hidden patterns and contextual information in a visual presentation and allows users to seek information in an intuitive way. Jin Zhang provides a systematic explanation of the latest advancements in information retrieval visualization from both theoretical and practical perspectives. He reviews the main approaches and techniques available in the field, explains theoretical relationships between information retrieval and information visualization, and presents major information retrieval visualization algorithms and models. He then takes a detailed look at the theory and applications of information retrieval visualization for Internet traffic analysis, and Internet information searching and browsing. The author also addresses challenges such as ambiguity, metaphorical applications, and system evaluation in information retrieval visualization environments. Finally, he compares these information retrieval visualization models from the perspectives of visual spaces, semantic frameworks, projection algorithms, ambiguity, and information retrieval, and discusses important issues of information retrieval visualization and research directions for future exploration. Readers of this book will gain an in-depth understanding of the current state of information retrieval visualization. They will be introduced to existing problems for researchers and professionals, along with technical and theoretical findings and advances made by leading researchers. The book also provides practical details for the implementation of an information retrieval visualization system.

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